Our Community Garden Project (CGP) was created to address the rise of unhealthy foods resulting in health crisis including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, compounded by resource constraints, low income housing, environmental toxins, and poor academic achievements. Since its inception in 2008, the CGP committed to inform, educate and empower the West and Southwest Philadelphia in partnership with communities. In Jan 2021 Palms Solutions will launch its Community Leadership Health Center, in partnership with universities to enhance educational, and research opportunities for the betterment of the community.
We have harvested and already distributed over a 1000 pounds of organic vegetables and fruits to the community, free of charge. From six beds originally, CGP is now managing 12 beds. The smell of growing mint has replacing the scent of trash. Children, adults and elderly can gather for activities. Starting in Spring of 2021 our community CGP will go virtual, and also introduce its composting initiative
Palms Solutions is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that depends on the support of people like you!