• Call Us Today(267)-251-1925
  • info@palmssolutions.org
  • Philadelphia, PA



Since its inception in 2008, Palms Solutions continues to diligently bring together community groups to identify common problems, mobilize resources, and implement strategies to reach identified goals. As a result, Palms Solutions has successfully contributed to the fulfillment of many initiatives.

The creation of the French department at the World Bank, to help support the Diaspora initiatives in both the US and West Africa.

The “Signing of First Diaspora Health Insurance”, specifically tailored to the needs and logistical constraints of the Diaspora.

The signing of the M.O.U between Palms Solutions and PASA (PENN African Students Association) to mentor African and African American students living in underserved communities, but to also educate the teachers about some of the cultural dynamics that define African students.

Among the Front runners in West and Southwest Philadelphia for the Covid awareness initiative, as well as the vaccination campaign. Palms solutions ran three successful vaccination drive during those critical times when fear and uncertainty were striking the community.

The signing of the Resolution by the city Council aiming at bringing more attention to children with disabilities.

Creation of the Philadelphia African and Caribbean Cup Of Nations for Peace (PACCONP) in 2012. This yearly gathering celebrates our diversity through soccer.

The creation of TIMBA, an after-school program that incorporates Technology and Inquiry into a Multicultural Bilingual Academic setting. TIMBA provides programs including Critical Writing, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering Arts and Math),mentoring, and community projects initiatives.

TIMBA featured twice in Penn Today for its dedication to education for residents and immigrants, and for involvement in changing the landscape of the Campus-Community relationships.

The creation of Palms Solutions/ Penn FERBS(Freshman Exposure To Research In Biological Sciences). We inspire high school scholars to venture into the STEM field and encourage Penn students to build their leadership and communication skills, preparing them to be leaders in their community.

The creation of the Women Soccer League also know as Philadelphia Women Soccer Tournament For Peace. This yearly event in September celebrates the month of Peace as decreed by the United Nations. It’s an opportunity for P.S. to advocate for women’s involvement in finding solutions for our society.