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  • info@palmssolutions.org
  • Philadelphia, PA

When it comes down to careers in science or to excel in the TEM related majors, people of colors struggle the most. As a result, many of our scholars in middle and high have already made up their minds never to pursuit any careers science related.  In its effort to de-stigmatize the STEM field, and build a pipeline of Middle and High schoolers that will be excited about STEM, Palms Solutions(P.S) is joining forces with the Penn Undergraduate Biology department to form THE P.S/ Penn FERBS coalition.

With this initiative, Palms Solutions will recruit scholars,  and coordinate directly with PennFERBS students to  establish a year-long mentorship relationship, as well as organize research activities and a science fair.

Our proposed support network provides PennFERBS students with an opportunity to develop their leadership skills, while preparing and empowering potential future PennFERBS students in the community. Moreover, the connection of PennFERBS and local high school students will be the start to a support network between Penn students and underrepresented minorities interested in STEM. Our mission through this collaborative efforts is to simply prepare scientists, physicians, and leaders who will make significant contributions to local and global health care, and other STEM fields. 

Palms Solutions programs have a long history of working with communities to achieve successful results. P.S/PennFERBS is built upon good examples of community engagement practices that emphasis on what’s strong in the community rather than what’s wrong, and ensure that key principles including mutual respect, knowledge exchange, and inclusive decisions making and are applied effectively and consistently to all critical steps of our new venture.  

As a local community partner with the biology department at Penn, we advocates for the cross-sector knowledge sharing to promote healthy living in West and South Philadelphia.

We contribute in training the  students on how to bring alive sciences perspective to policies, and thus generate future leaders with creative solutions to complex global health problems.

Moreover, our involvement with Penn-FERBS provides the students with cross-cultural competency, by exposing them to their surrounding communities and give them the opportunity to interact and work together with residents with the goal of implementing evidence-based interventions and strategies that are firmly rooted in the sciences.

We are also redefining our side by side relationship with Penn by effectively building with the students lasting relationships, while solidifying our role in identifying concerns, and participating in formulating solutions. We believe that our new approach to Campus-community establishes a framework for collaboration and deliberation. In the broadest sense, our engagement in environmental decision‐making is our inclusion in the process of defining the problem, and contributing in developing solutions.