• Call Us Today(267)-251-1925
  • info@palmssolutions.org
  • Philadelphia, PA

Globalization and urbanization of cities like Philadelphia, have spurred socioeconomic and lifestyle changes. In turn, the new urban lifestyle has given rise to foods with less healthy alternatives, resulting in a health crisis including chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, compounded by resource constraints, delayed diagnosis, low income housing, environmental toxins, stress, food insecurity, poor academic achievements have also been increasing especially in the undeserved areas of West and Southwest Philadelphia vastly populated by immigrants who are also heavily impacted by health disparities. In order to address the issues, Palms  Solutions has developed the following goals including:

  • Develop transparent and accessible decision‐making processes to Enhance meaningful community stakeholder participation
  • Engage stakeholders in the decision‐making process before it is started
  • Present information and provide technical assistance in ways that will enable community stakeholders to better understand the health issues and participate in the decision‐making process
  • Produce outcomes that are responsive to stakeholder concerns and are aligned with community needs and long‐term goals to the extent practicable
  • Value community perspectives

Our innovative, and transformative approach  instilled the creation of the community garden, the increase of Side by Side meetings.  More partnerships are being built between academic institutions and our CBOs and community schools. A prime example of such partnerships is our collaborative efforts with “Blessings in a Backpack”, and “Sharing Excess”, allowing us to provide nutritious and organic food to our underserved schools, and community groups, as shown below.